Village of Leicester Tax Collector
Deborah Beardsley, Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Leicester
52 South Parkway, PO Box 203
Leicester NY 14481
(585) 382-3699
2024-2025 Tax Collector's Notice
2024 Tax Roll
Village Taxes are billed June 1st and due by June 30th without penalty
Pay by July 31st 5.0% penalty
Pay by August 31st 6.0% penalty
Pay by September 30th 7.0% penalty
Frequently Asked Questions:
More information can be found on the Assessor's Page on the Town's website.
How is the tax levy determined?
Each village in New York State is responsible for calculating its own tax levy limit within the boundaries established by the New York Real Property Tax Cap.
What is an Assessment?
A property's assessment is a calculated level of market value. The Village works diligently to keep the assessment as close to 100% of market value as possible. The Assessor utilizes standard practices and procedures to uniformly assess the properties within this jurisdiction. Once the property's total assessment is determined, its taxable assessed value is computed by applying any property tax exemptions which will reduce the level of the tax bill to be paid.
Why are property valuation updates done?
In accordance with New York State Law, Villages are required to maintain up-to-date assessment records. The assessment process is performed to correct inequities that creep into the assessment roll. When this happens some property owners may be paying more than their fair share in taxes while others are paying less. A village-wide valuation update serves to equalize these inequities. As a result of the assessment adjustments, some property owners may notice a change in the overall amount of taxes they pay.
How do I get the Senior Citizen’s Exemption?
County, School and Village taxes may be reduced if income provided by seniors falls within the range dictated by a sliding scale. This exemption benefits seniors with low income. The senior’s income must be given to the Assessor each year in order to receive this exemption. (check the NYS Department of Taxation & Finance to determine your level.) If ALL income, including Social Security, was below this level, the senior would be eligible for the Senior Citizen Exemption.
How do I apply for a STAR exemption?
You will register with New York State instead of applying with your assessor.
I just purchased a house in the Village, why is the assessment higher than the purchase price?
The Assessor reviews every sale in village, but if you feel that the assessment on your property should be lowered, send a copy of the real estate appraisal that was done during the purchase of the property to the Village Assessor. Most times there is an electronic copy that can be sent by email to the Assessor.
I am a Veteran, how do I get my property taxes lowered?
You must apply for a Veteran’s exemption by completing form RP-458a, and supplying a copy of your DD-214. Applications must be received by March 1st. The Veteran’s exemption applies to Town, County and Village tax bills. It also has been adopted by the York Central School District to apply to York's school taxes. Call the Assessor to get an application mailed to you.
The name or address on the tax bill is wrong, how do I correct it?
Deeds are filed at the Livingston County Clerk’s Office and exactly how the name is spelled on that deed is how it should be on your tax bill. If the there is a name change due to Marriage/Divorce, send a copy of that to the Assessor. If there is a mailing address change needed, you can call the Assessor to make that change or note the change on the tax bill itself when you make your payment.
Village of Leicester Tax Assessor
Gregg H Torrey
Leicester Town Hall
132 Main Street, PO Box197
Leicester NY 14481
(585) 382-3231