Livingston County Dog Control
3386 Gypsy Lane
Mount Morris NY 14510
(585) 243-6740
(585) 335-1720
Please be advised that ALL dogs, whether on or off the owner's premises, MUST be licensed. Licenses are available at the Leicester Town Hall where you will be given a bright, shiny tag for your pooch to proudly display on it's collar.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What information do I need to get a license for my dog?
In addition to completing a dog license application, the following information is required: If the dog is spayed or neutered - a certificate from a licensed veterinarian or an affidavit from the owner showing that the dog has been spayed or neutered, unless this proof is already on file with the Leicester Town Clerk. All dogs 3 months or older must have proof of a rabies vaccination signed by a licensed veterinarian or a certificate stating why the dog would be endangered by the vaccine.
Stray Dogs
All dogs should have a tag with their owner's information on it. If we know who the dog belongs to, we make every effort to get them home. Any dog that can not be immediately returned to it's owner is turned over to the Livingston County Dog Control. If a dog is frequently loose, the owner may be ticketed.
Animal Cruelty
We refer all animal cruelty complaints to the Livingston County Sheriff's Office or the Humane Society of Livingston County.