Code Enforcement Officer
Charles Cagle NY#0055166
(607) 542-2175
Planning Board/Zoning Board of Appeals
Dan Christiano - Chair - Chairman
Pete Fanaro
Tim Muscarella
Joe Nahalka
Megan Semmel - Zoning Board Alternate
Sam Bodratti - Secretary
* Meets on an as-needed basis.
The Village Board of Leicester appoints a Code Enforcement Officer annually. He/she is expected to work in a close relationship with the Village Board to ensure the health and safety of all Village of Leicester residents. Together, they provide a variety of services and functions related to village zoning laws while also adhering to the NY State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, the NY State Energy Conservation Construction Code and other applicable laws.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why do I need a building permit?
Permits ensure that construction within our municipality meets with standards set out in the New York State Building Code and the Code of the Village of Leicester. Your home renovation project must meet basic requirements for health, safety and structural soundness. Beyond this, the permit process makes sure that your plans are in line with other village requirements, such as zoning regulations and historic building designations. This process also vets contractors for proper insurance and workmanship. Home values are preserved or enhanced with adequate code compliance.
How do I apply for a building permit?
Permit applications are available in the Village Office or you can download an application.
Two (2) COMPLETED copies of this application are to be written in ink or typewritten and submitted to the Code Enforcement Office. Any application that is missing information will be denied by the Code Enforcement Office.
A Plot Plan showing location of the lot and of the buildings on the premises, relation to public streets or areas and to adjoining premises, giving a DETAILED description of the layout of the property must be drawn on a diagram which is part of the permit application.
Click here for a sample of construction details. Two sets of STAMPED architectural drawings must be submitted for any new construction, addition, or residential dwelling.
All required proofs of insurance must accompany your application. Click here for a list of insurance submission requirements.
The work to be covered by this application shall not be commenced before the issuance of a building permit.
Upon approval of this application, a Building Permit will be issued and one (1) set of the plans and application will be returned to the applicant. The Permit is to be posted in a conspicuous location on the property and the plans must be kept on site for review at all times.
NO building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose until a Certificate of Occupancy is granted by the Code Enforcement Office.
In a brief amount of time, the code official will review your plans and determine if your project is in compliance with local requirements. If your plans meet these requirements. a permit is issued. If not, the code official may suggest solutions to help correct the problem.
What kind of work does not require a building permit?
Examples of work that usually does not require a building permit include: replacing a window or door with another in the same location and with the same size wall opening; replacing electrical or plumbing fixtures in the same location; painting, wallpapering and carpeting; new siding; sidewalks and driveways. If in doubt, a simple call to the Village Office can answer any questions you may have.
What happens after a building permit is issued?
On-site inspections will be required to make certain the work conforms to the permit, local codes and plans. Again you will have access to the expertise of the code official to help you with questions or concerns regarding the project and to ward off any costly mistakes. The code official will let you know approximately how many inspections may be needed for your project. Three days' notice is usually required when requesting visits. When construction is completed and a final inspection is made, the Code Enforcement Officer will issue a Certificate of Occupancy, which is your official documentation that you have met all the permit requirements.
What happens if I don't get a building permit?
The property owner may be subject to legal action for failure to obtain a building permit. If you carry out a renovation project that requires a building permit without having one, the village can issue a "Stop Work" order, which remains in effect until you obtain a permit and involves penalties. If the work doesn't meet the requirements of the building code, you may well have to redo the work at your own cost. Work performed without a required building permit may hold up the sale of your property in the future and may also affect an insurance claim. Before any work begins on your home, check with your insurance representative, who can explain exactly what is needed to ensure continuous and adequate coverage, both during and after the renovation.